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Counsil Members

According to Triple Helix Model, established by Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff our cunsil is integrated by representatives of local universities, business and industrial associations and city government.

Javier Lamarque Cano

Javier Lamarque Cano


Fernando Durazo Picos

Fernando Durazo Picos

Secretary of Economic Development of Cajeme Municipality

José Antonio del Coss Zorrilla

José Antonio del Coss Zorrilla

Rector de ULSA Noroeste

Jesús Héctor Hernandez

Jesús Héctor Hernandez

Rector de ITSON

Francisco Schwarzbeck

Francisco Schwarzbeck

President of UCAIVYSA representing agriculture organisms

Maria Luz Castillo

Maria Luz Castillo

President of OCV, Convention & Visitors Bureau

Veronica Mungarro

Veronica Mungarro

President of CANADEVI, in representation of the housing industry

Gilberto Brito Martinez

Gilberto Brito Martinez

President of CMIC, in representation of the construction industry

Adriana Torres Huerta

Adriana Torres Huerta

President of CANACINTRA, in representation of processing industries

Ivonne Llamas Asencio

Ivonne Llamas Asencio

President of CANACO, chamber of commerce

Enrique Garcia Ibarra

Enrique Garcia Ibarra

President of COPARMEX

Raúl Ayala

Raúl Ayala

President of CANIRAC

Board Chairman

C.P. Arturo Knapp Ramos


Lic. Raúl Montes Elizondo 

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